Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Seductive Surfaces" - an amazing and not to be missed Workshop

Georgia Mansur will be giving a treat to art lovers, arts practitioners and aspiring artists in an inspiring mixed media workshop during March! Georgia's own style is a 'reflection of her emotional response to the world around her, painting subjects in an expressive style".

Georgia tells us she was inspired to first paint as a creative outlet to help her to cope with the isolation and loneliness of a new lifestyle in this strange and fascinating place of regional Australia. Originally from California, Georgia came to Australia to live west of Moree and the change in lifestyle and place affected her on a very deep and emotional level bringing new life and inspiration into her artworks. She has a very personal and lively way of approaching paint and canvas/paper.

As a TAFE teacher, she also has skills that can assist you, the painter, to explore new techniques and approach your work with new found freedom of expression.

There are only 12 places available each day and 
ALL materials, lunch and morning tea are provided
in the cost of $190 per day!

5 & 6 March 2011
9.30 am - 3.30 pm
at the gallery
31-33 Gidley Street, Molong NSW

Phone 02 6366 9093 to secure your place in this opportunity to expand your skills!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


During the next 2 weeks, Jayes continues to bring you the desirable and affordable art pieces that we have become famous for! Gallery 1 and Gallery 2 has on exhibit artworks from internationally known artists Joy Engelman,Tim Winters and Judy Whitlock. These are all stunning paintings and etchings with each of them being a statement on the Australian landscape.

Alongside these works are the paintings from well known and nationally renowned artists Melissa Barber, Lyn Winters and Lara Scolari. These very feminine artists all exhibit in Canberra and Sydney on a regular basis and have an increasing presence on the Australian art scene. They are all excellent investments and highly desirable.

Image: "Les Derniers Coquelicots" by Melissa Barber

Sarah Whitlock, a silversmith of note with her own hallmark, has the most exquisite jewellery on display. These are delightful individual pieces for you to spoil yourself with! Fabulous glassworks from Keith Rowe round off this delightful exhibition.

Image: Glassware by Keith Rowe

We invite you to join us. We can be easily found by following the brown signs located on the Mitchell Highway at Molong in Central NSW.

Image: "Latent Series" by Lara Scolari 2m x 1m Oil on Board